Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic

Spring 2022

The seminar will meet in-person, on Fridays 10:30 am to noon in Room 520 (notice the room change).

  Feb 11 Amadou Bah (Columbia) Nearby cycles and the variation of the Swan conductor of an $\mathbb{F}_{\ell}$-sheaf on a rigid annulus
  Feb 18 Michele Fornea (Columbia) Algebraicity of plectic points over biquadratic extensions
  Feb 25 Michael Harris (Columbia) Correspondences for reductive groups over local fields of positive characteristic and applications
  Mar 4 Gyujin Oh (Princeton) Coherent cohomology of Shimura varieties, motivic cohomology, and L-packets
  Mar 25 Lue Pan (Princeton) Regular geometric Galois representations in the completed cohomology of the modular curves
  Apr 1 Shilin Lai (Princeton) Big diagonal cycles for unitary groups
  Apr 8 Fred Diamond (KCL) Hecke correspondences and Kodaira-Spencer isomorphisms on Hilbert modular varieties
  Apr 15 Salim Tayou (Harvard) Jumps of Picard rank in families of K3 surfaces

Current Semester   Previous Semester

Organizers: Chao Li and Eric Urban