Feb 11 | Amadou Bah (Columbia)
Nearby cycles and the variation of the Swan conductor of an
$\mathbb{F}_{\ell}$-sheaf on a rigid annulus
Let $C$ be a close rigid annulus of radii $r < r' \in \mathbb{Q}_{\geq 0}$ over a complete discrete valuation field with algebraically closed residue field of positive characteristic.
The Swan conductor function ${\rm sw}_{\mathcal{F}}: [r, r'] \to
\mathbb{Q}$ of an étale sheaf of $\mathbb{F}_{\ell}$-modules
$\mathcal{F}$ on $C$, ramified at most at a finite set of rigid points
of $C$, is continuous, convex and piece-wise linear, outside the radii
of the ramification points of $\mathcal{F}$, and has finitely many
slopes, all integers. Moreover, the change of slopes between radii $t$
and $t'$ is the difference of the orders of the characteristic cycles
of $\mathcal{F}$ at $t$ and $t'$.
I will present the construction of ${\rm sw}_{\mathcal{F}}$ as well as
projectivity and rationality properties of some nearby cycles that
play an important part in establishing the aforementioned properties
of ${\rm sw}_{\mathcal{F}}$, with an emphasis on convexity.
Feb 18 | Michele Fornea (Columbia)
Algebraicity of plectic points over biquadratic extensions
In joint works with Gehrmann, Guitart and Masdeu we proposed and numerically computed plectic generalizations of Stark-Heegner (or Darmon) points. Moreover, inspired by Nekovar and Scholl's conjectures, we predicted the algebraicity of plectic points and their significance for Mordell-Weil groups of elliptic curves of large rank.
In this talk I will report on joint work with Lennart Gehrmann where we establish the algebraicity and the arithmetic significance of plectic points of "rank two" over certain biquadratic extensions.
Feb 25 | Michael Harris (Columbia)
Correspondences for reductive groups over local fields of positive characteristic and applications
This is a report on two related projects, the first with Gan and Sawin, the second with Ciubotaru,
on the local properties of the Langlands parametrization constructed by V. Lafforgue. Let $F = k((t))$
where $k$ is the field of $q$ elements, of characteristic $p$, and let $G$ be a connected reductive
group over $F$. To any irreducible admissible representation $\pi$ of $G(F)$, Genestier and Lafforgue
assign a semisimple Weil group parameter $\phi_\pi$ with coefficients in the $L$-group of $G$. We say that $\pi$
is pure if the Frobenius eigenvalues of $\phi_\pi$ (composed with any linear representation of the $L$-group)
are Weil $q$ numbers of the same weight. Suppose $G$ is a split reductive group. For $p$ outside a small list of
exceptional primes, depending only on $G$, Gan, Sawin, and I prove the following results, among others:
1. If $\pi$ is a pure supercuspidal representation of $G$ then $\phi_\pi$ is a ramified parameter.
2. If $\pi$ is any discrete series representation of $G$ then the semisimple parameter $\phi_\pi$ can
be completed to a Weil-Deligne parameter that has integral Frobenius weights and
satisfies purity of the monodromy weight filtration.
Point 2 depends in general on a lemma of Beuzart-Plessis that has not yet been written down.
Using this lemma, Ciubotaru and I have proved the following result. Let now $G$ be a semisimple group
over a global function field $K$, and let $\Pi$ be a cuspidal automorphic representation of $G$. Suppose
$K$ has two places $w$ and $v$ (satisfying a mild restriction on the residue field cardinality) such that
$\Pi_w$ is discrete series and $\pi_v$ is unramified and generic. Then $\Pi$ is tempered at all unramified places.
Mar 4 | Gyujin Oh (Princeton)
Coherent cohomology of Shimura varieties, motivic cohomology, and
The motivic action conjecture of Venkatesh posits that for a
Hecke eigensystem $h$, there is a natural action of the motivic
cohomology of the adjoint motive associated to $h$ on the $h$-isotypic
part of the rational cohomology of locally symmetric spaces. This
explains and relates the arithmetic of various appearances of the same
Hecke eigensystem in different degrees of cohomology. Although such
multiple occurrences mostly happen when there can be no discrete series,
they sometimes happen for groups with discrete series; a prototypical
example is a weight one modular form appearing in both $H^{0}$ and
$H^{1}$ of the modular curve. We formulate the analogous conjecture for
coherent cohomology of Shimura varieties and explain how archimedean
$L$-packets enter into the story. This suggests that there should be a
hidden archimedean symmetry of coherent cohomology of Shimura varieties.
Mar 25 | Lue Pan (Princeton)
Regular geometric Galois representations in the completed cohomology of the modular curves
Let p be a prime. A special case of the Fontaine-Mazur conjecture predicts that 2-dimensional absolutely irreducible geometric Galois representations appearing in the completed cohomology of the modular curves come from eigenforms (up to twist). This was proved by Emerton in the regular case using the p-adic local Langlands correspondence for GL2(Qp). In this talk, I plan to explain a different proof of Emerton's result. Our approach is purely geometric. One main ingredient is a construction of some differential operators on the modular curves with infinite level at p which essentially agree with the nilpotent operator in Fontaine's classification of almost de Rham representations.
Apr 1 | Shilin Lai (Princeton)
Big diagonal cycles for unitary groups
We will interpolate a version of the cycle appearing in the arithmetic Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture in Hida families, which constructs a generalization of Howard's big Heegner point. We will then indicate how this can be used to derive rank 0 and 1 results in Iwasawa theory.
Apr 8 | Fred Diamond (KCL)
Hecke correspondences and Kodaira-Spencer isomorphisms on Hilbert modular varieties
Kodaira-Spencer isomorphisms on classical modular curves relate differentials on the curve to those on the universal elliptic curve over it. I'll present a generalization that describes dualizing sheaves of integral models of Hilbert modular varieties with Iwahori level at p. I'll also describe properties of the associated degeneracy maps to prime-to-p level, including a relative cohomological vanishing result, with applications to the construction and properties of Hecke operators at p, mod p Galois representations, and integral models of Hilbert modular varieties.
Apr 15 | Salim Tayou (Harvard)
Jumps of Picard rank in families of K3 surfaces
Given a family of K3 surfaces over a curve, I will explain
several results pertaining to the density (Zariski, analytic...) of
the locus where the geometric Picard rank jumps. These results are
formulated in the general framework of GSpin Shimura varieties and
have avatars for abelian surfaces, cubic fourfolds... I will also
discuss applications to the Hecke orbit conjecture and the
construction of rational curves on K3's.
The results in this talk are joint work with Ananth Shankar, Arul
Shankar and Yunqing Tang.